Quantified Self
One thing I've always liked about the Windows Add/Remove Programs interface is that it provides you a date that the installed program was last used. When paring down the number of programs on a Windows computer, that date is helpful to gauge whether a program is useful enough to keep around. Since the number of Emacs packages tends to sprawl over time, I have installed the Keyfreq package to track the commands I use:
(use-package keyfreq :ensure t :pin melpa-stable :init (setq keyfreq-file "~/.emacs.p/keyfreq/statistics" keyfreq-file-lock "~/.emacs.p/keyfreq/lockfile") :config (keyfreq-mode 1) (keyfreq-autosave-mode 1))
When I first installed this package, I didn't honestly think it would be that useful. But since installing it, I have used its output to appreciate how much my usage of certain commands is changing.